Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Upcoming Bus Tour

We are looking at doing another bus tour for Big Stone County residents. Following the last tour, I was given a number of ideas of places to go. I narrowed it down to five locations, which you get to vote on. The one receiving the most votes will be followed up on as far as costs, transportation, meals, etc. See other posts for a description of the five: 1) Okotberfest in New Ulm; 2) Hjemkomst Center in Moorhead; 3) Olvier H. Kelley Farm in Elk River; 4) Gibbs Museum in St. Paul; 5) Itasca State Park. Votes need to be in no later than September 1st. For more information contact the Ortonville Library at 320-839-2494 and the Graceville Library at 320-748-7332.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will need to be on the look out for some nice and pretty and beautiful green underwear for one of your workers. She is in desparate need of some and she needs it by St. Patrick's Day. Please look your best and give her some as she will be so sad if she doesn't get any.