Thursday, February 21, 2008

Anonymous Response to PIN Numbers

Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:19:47 -0600
Subject: RE: [Ortonville Library Blog] New comment on February Fund Raiser.
I am sorry you are having difficulty with the website for our automated system. The new card will automatically assume the same PIN as your previous card. If you cannot remember your PIN number you used previously, contact us and we will erase the old PIN number off of your record. We do NOT have access to your PIN number so, therefore, cannot give you your PIN Number. On the Pioneerland website you can go to My Record to set up your PIN Number. You will need to enter your library card number and a PIN number of your choosing. You will be asked to reenter the PIN and then it should be set up for you.As far as no voice mail available during our Off hours, that is one of the decisions made when the old answering machine failed about 6 years ago not to replace. The reason being, many messages were left that did not pertain to library matters, and therefore, took valuable time to listen to. Two staff members have been cut in the past six years. There is no time to listen to non library related matters each time we open. We feel we do the best we can with the limted funds we have been given by the City and County to operate. We are available until 8 p.m. four nights a week and are here until 3 p.m. on Saturday. These hours should give EVERY patron sufficient time to contact us in person if they need to. Additionally if you do have concerns about our library hours, etc., please contace your city council and county commissioners about our funding. We do have staff email available at or my business email is These are checked daily for any questions or problems that patrons are having and need to be resolved. Thank you for your comments and if you need additional help with your PIN , please contact us. As you chose to do this anonymously, I cannot go in and delete your previous PIN number so you can create a new one. Vicki Grimli

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